She opened 2 presents last night that she got from her birthday party last weekend. She had a party at Mon.key Biz.ness, which is an indoor play place with big blow up slides and a bounce house, as well as a rock climbing wall. You can't beat places like that - one price and you show up, the kids wear themselves out and have a blast, and then you leave. No clean up, no planning, just bring a cake and you are good to go. It made me think of the parties at Sk.ate Cent.ral when I was a kid. She and a friend from school shared the party (which was also great for us cost-wise), and they had so much fun. Because we were sharing the party, they didn't open presents there, so I brought them home. I haven't had her at my house since, so last night was the first time she really looked at them, and she couldn't contain herself. I let her open 2, and she got some really fun stuff - a watch that has a "mood" background like those old mood rings, a couple cool scarfs, a pink purse with a sequined "M" on the side, and some fun jewelry. Right up her alley! She'll open the rest tonight when we do dinner as a family and celebrate with cake.
So for some reason I thought that they didn't do cupcakes in the classroom anymore in 1st grade, but apparently I was wrong because M almost burst into tears last night when I said I didn't have anything to bring. Oops! So off to the store today to get some cupcakes and bring them up to her class. I forget how special those things are to you when you're her age.
Our nanny is really sick today - poor thing. So it's me and B home today. I'm really hoping he doesn't get sick, as we're headed to Oklah.oma tomorrow for Oklah.oma State Homec.oming this weekend.
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