Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So behind!

It's been AGES since I've posted on here, so let's get caught up.

First of all, my excuse. I resigned from my job on the 23rd of October, and it has been nothing short of a whirlwind since then. I started a new company that is considered a competitor, so it's been over 2 weeks of phone calls, customer meetings, and overall chaos. It's a great move though and I'm very excited....I'm just anxious for all of the hysteria to be over, hopefully in a couple months.

Since I last posted, we had Halloween. What a fun day with the kids! We had M this year, so she was a 60's go-go girl and B was the cutest little monkey. It was hilarious because M didn't even know what a 60's go-go girl was, so she kept asking, "What am I again?" She didn't used to be interested in trick-or-treating too much (too cold, feet get tired, etc), but she's obviously growing up because she couldn't get enough this year. She went once with Aunt E and then went out again for round 2 after dinner! Hmm, I wonder where she gets her love of sugar from? Ha! We had a great day carving pumpkins and decorating, and the weather was awesome. Just the perfect amount of fall chill in the air, but not too cold. Funny since the week before was literally a blizzard in Denver with over a foot of snow! WOW! That was unusual to get that much snow in October, but it is Colorado, I guess.

M is done with soccer now, and has already decided she wants to play in the spring. She seems to really enjoy it! She was super-fast this year, and when she got her mind to it, she would take off and be a little lightning bolt down the field. She still needs some work on her dribbling to go along with that speed, but I have to see I am very impressed being this was her first time to play. I'm glad she likes it so much - it's good for her to be playing on a team sport. She wants to play softball come next summer, which I will personally love after all my years of playing.

I can't think of any other updates, but it's probably because I've been so focused on work lately. I'm anxious to get through that and get focused back on life again. :-)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Houston....we have a tooth!

Little man has been fussy and cranky all afternoon, and we were sooooo hoping that he was not coming down with what I've had. Then I thought about it, and checked it out....and sure enough, he has another tooth breaking through! Now he has 2 teeth on the bottom. He'll be biting his big sis in no time!


B is getting little blonde curls on the top of his head! I swear they just appeared yesterday after his bath. SOOOOO CUTE!!!! Will post pics as soon as I figure out how to do that on this blog.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back....but with a bug

So we got back from Oklahoma last night....to me suddenly having a sore throat. I don't feel well today, but fortunately I went to the clinic and it's not strep or anything serious. Just a virus that makes me feel yucky. I'm doing my best to not pass it on to the little guy.

We had a great time in Oklahoma - went to the OSU Home.coming parade and game, and spent a lot of time with family. It was fun, and nice weather.

B seems to really be turning into a boy. Everything he holds he wants to just hit things with. He is also kicking non-stop. J had him in the B.aby B.jorn facing forward, and he kept kicking him in the not so desirable area....it was hilarious. We had to adjust him to give J some relief! It's amazing how much more animated he has become in the last month. He jabbers a ton and grabs at everything - he is going to be ALL boy, I can already tell!

This week I'm just working hard at tying up loose ends before I quit my job on Friday. I wasn't planning on being sick, but c'est la vie!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Off to Oklahoma

We're headed out today to Still.water for OS.U Home.coming and to visit J's mom. I'm off from work today, so I'll be packing and getting all of the baby stuff required to travel. That's a whole day's job in itself!

M's birthday ended wonderfully - she had a GREAT day. I brought cupcakes up to school for her class, and her teacher said that she was "delightful" and all lit up celebrating her day. She came home with a big sticker on that said, "It's my birthday!" and wore it to gymnastics as well. We had dinner at home - which she got mac 'n cheese and watermelon (yum!) - and then she decorated her cake, which she LOVED to do. Let's just say that every bite was filled with sprinkles and candy. Ha! She opened her presents, and she's funny because she opens one and then wants to take it apart and play with it. We, of course, were trying to get her to bed at a decent hour, so it was hard trying to keep her moving. We didn't have that many, but I still had her ones from her birthday party last weekend, so it all added up. She got a sequined "play" cell phone from our nanny, and she just kept talking on it like it was a real phone. She was "talking" to her friends, she ordered a pizza, but had it taken away from her when she said to me, "Um, Mom, can you keep it down, I'm on the phone." She had a fun night though - I'd say the popular gift was scarves. She got 4! One was from me, so we're taking it back. :-)

Oops, better get going this morning. M is up and looking for me. More later....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday!

Woo hoo - it's M's 7th birthday today! She woke up this morning, shyly poked her head around the corner into the kitchen, and when we locked eyes....she took off running towards me with a huge grin on her face and jumped into my arms. (Yes, she's a bit big for that now, but oh well, I loved it....) I said, "Happy Birthday!!" and you would have thought she was the center of the universe with how excited she was. Hmm, I wonder where she got that from? She requested waffles with sprinkles, so I made them special for her, and then she headed upstairs to pick out her special birthday outfit for today. She came downstairs with sandals on....of course....so I let her open one present which were some silver flats I got her, and she said, "Oh my gosh, they are just......perfect!" I just love those reactions. She put them on today and she was off to the school bus. What a sweet girl!

She opened 2 presents last night that she got from her birthday party last weekend. She had a party at Mon.key Biz.ness, which is an indoor play place with big blow up slides and a bounce house, as well as a rock climbing wall. You can't beat places like that - one price and you show up, the kids wear themselves out and have a blast, and then you leave. No clean up, no planning, just bring a cake and you are good to go. It made me think of the parties at Sk.ate Cent.ral when I was a kid. She and a friend from school shared the party (which was also great for us cost-wise), and they had so much fun. Because we were sharing the party, they didn't open presents there, so I brought them home. I haven't had her at my house since, so last night was the first time she really looked at them, and she couldn't contain herself. I let her open 2, and she got some really fun stuff - a watch that has a "mood" background like those old mood rings, a couple cool scarfs, a pink purse with a sequined "M" on the side, and some fun jewelry. Right up her alley! She'll open the rest tonight when we do dinner as a family and celebrate with cake.

So for some reason I thought that they didn't do cupcakes in the classroom anymore in 1st grade, but apparently I was wrong because M almost burst into tears last night when I said I didn't have anything to bring. Oops! So off to the store today to get some cupcakes and bring them up to her class. I forget how special those things are to you when you're her age.

Our nanny is really sick today - poor thing. So it's me and B home today. I'm really hoping he doesn't get sick, as we're headed to Oklah.oma tomorrow for Oklah.oma State Homec.oming this weekend.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Growing up

I can't believe I'm almost the mother of a 7-year-old. It seems like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with her, and admittedly scared to death. Now I can't imagine life without her. She is celebrating her 7th birthday this Thursday, and she's in 1st grade. She's now at a stage where she's too "cool" for "cute", and loves Hi.gh Sch.ool Mus.ical and Car.rie Under.wood. She wants to "dress like a rockstar" and wants her own i.Pod. Oh my gosh, she is growing up WAY too quickly! She's still the same beautiful little girl though, with her extremely sensitive heart, and her loving hugs and kisses that just make you melt. I am going to hold on to those as long as I can.

Little man is 6 months old now and growing like a weed! He cut his first tooth this past weekend, and thank goodness it was that because I was worried that he was getting the "swine flu" that everyone seems to be talking about. He was hot and wouldn't stop crying, but when we got home, I felt his gums and sure enough - there was a tooth! He's growing so quickly - and he is SO CUTE. I just love his smile and his adorable little giggles. Warms my heart. He isn't quite crawling yet, but it won't be long. He's starting to want to get places, and that's usually the turning point where they figure it out. He's rolling around the floor - you put him down in one spot, and you turn around and he's halfway across the floor. His hair is growing in so cute and blonde, and his eyes are still blue. I think his sister's changed at 8 months or so, so we'll have to see what color they turn out to be. He looks just like his daddy - everyone says so - so I secretly admit that I hope he gets my blue eyes so I'll see something of me in him.

I love my family! Kids are just the most amazing blessing in the world.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My first blog post ever

OK, I did it. It's about time I entered the information era. Here I am in technology sales, with small children no less, and I don't even have a blog. Well, that day has changed and I am starting one today!

Just a way to keep in touch with our family and the kiddos...what we're doing and how we're keeping ourselves (very) busy. Hope you enjoy keeping up with our family!