Sunday, December 5, 2010

Welcome Colton Swift Wagner!

Well, Colton is almost 3 weeks old and I'm just now getting to the post announcing his arrival. Welcome baby Colton! He was born on November 16 at 7:57pm, which I though was funny because all of my kids were born in the evening....Mackenzie around 6:30, Brandt at 5:45, and now Colton took his sweet time and almost came past 8pm. Here is the story of his delivery....

We arrived at the hospital around 7:30am with Brandt in tow, and checked in downstairs in the lobby. We headed upstairs where they checked us into room 317 (we thought was funny because it's like St. Patrick's Day 3/17 and we had an Irish nurse!). Soon Karah, our nanny, came by to get Brandt for the day, and they got me set up in bed. They got me on an IV with Pitocin and broke my water around 8:30am, and then I had my first contraction around 9:40am. The contractions were getting stronger and about 2-3 minutes apart, so I got an epidural around 1pm. They kept checking my cervix and it seemed I was staying around 2-3cm dilated FOREVER. Finally around 6pm I was at 5cm dilated, so I knew that was when things would start moving, as that's how it was the 2 times before. Our Irish nurse, Anne-Marie, promised we'd have the baby by the end of her shift at 7pm, so we were getting close. No such luck! It wasn't until about 7:30pm that they checked my cervix, and WHOA, I was 10cm dilated! It's amazing how fast it moves along when it decides to. We got ready to start pushing....

Colton was "sunny side up", which means he was heads down but facing upwards instead of downwards. This is also referred to as having "back labor" because it's so much harder to push a baby out when they are facing the wrong way - our pelvis is not designed as well for that. Mackenzie started off this way too but I got up on all 4's and she ended up turning. Well, the doctor (Roy Bergstrom) also said Colton had turned as I was starting to push, but it turns out he ended up flipping back and did indeed emerge "sunny side up". However, I did have to push harder than with Brandt, although it was till only for 8 minutes.

Colton emerged with Daddy ready to pull him out, as Dr. Bergstrom had let him before with Brandt, and suddenly I hear something about the cord being wrapped around his neck. They abruptly told me to stop pushing, and I couldn't see but could hear them calmly talking about cutting the cord that was wrapped around my precious baby boy's neck. No one seemed panicked, but I still couldn't help but get a little scared that something was wrong. It seemed like no time at all and they said that Daddy could pull him out the rest of the way, and they laid him on my chest. He was purple! My little squirmer inside me had gotten that cord wrapped around TWICE. He was perfectly OK though and pinked up in no time. The doctor and the nurses were commenting how big he was....which I was not used to with my typical small babies. When they finally got the scale in the room, we could officially announce that Colton Swift Wagner was born at 8 lbs 4 oz and 20.5 inches long. Wow! He was a big boy.

Everything post-delivery went smoothly and Colton seemed calm and laid back right from the start. He slept pretty well and also seemed to latch on breast-feeding better than my previous 2. Big sister Mackenzie and big brother Brandt came to visit with Aunt Erin the following evening, and it was super-cute to see Brandt's reaction. He kissed his baby brother and then seemed to move on, checking out all the cool buttons and cords in our hospital room. Mackenzie, of course, was sweet as can be - she has such a huge heart for babies. We were able to leave the hospital around noon on the 18th and head home with our new little boy to join the rest of our family we were dying to see.

Colton went that Friday (3 days old) to the doctor because he was looking a little yellow (jaundice). He wasn't too bad though, but he was weighing only 7 lbs 10oz at this point. They wanted me to start supplementing at this point over the weekend and come back Monday. He was back up to 8lbs 1 oz by Monday and doing great! By 2 weeks he was at 8lbs 8oz (50% on weight, height, and head). I decided to switch to pumping and feeding (instead of breastfeeding), as I was doing both and seemed he was not getting much from breastfeeding, and at least with pumping I could tell what he was eating. He is now almost 3 weeks old and he's eating about 24 oz a day, which is great! He doesn't go back to the doctor until he is 2 months old.

Speaking of doctors, Brandt is doing great and finally gaining weight! He has been doing the nebulizer twice a day for his breathing problems, and we see a pulmonary specialist next week to hopefully diagnose what has been going on. We are thinking asthma.

Mackenzie had her 8 year old well visit last week as well, and she's doing great - in the 35th percentile for weight, so she's growing great! She's always been in the 10-15% range, so I was happy to hear how well she's doing.

We're gearing up for the holidays now and looking forward to my dad coming this weekend, my brother next week, and my mom at Christmas. I head back to work on January 4th. It'll be here before you know it.

That's it for now....signing off....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get this baby out of me!

Visited the doctor yesterday for my now weekly appointments, and there was very little change in my cervix. UGH! I am just so miserable with the heartburn and my intense hip pain....I asked Jason if it would be alright for me to inquire about a Nov. 15th induction. My doctor said that I could induce anytime after 39 weeks, and that would only be 3 days early. I thought Monday would be good because we'd have Karah, our nanny, to help us during the day with Brandt that week, we'd have the weekend before to get final preparations in place, and the 15th is special because that's also Mackenzie's birthday (in October). I'm going to talk about it on Monday with my doctor and see if we can do that. The only thing that would potentially change it is if Dr. Bergstrom is not on call that day. He delivered Mackenzie and Brandt, and I'd like him to deliver this little guy too if at all possible. He's so nice and fun during the delivery, and he let Jason pull Brandt out last time, which Jason is just dying to do again. I really didn't want to induce if possible, but I feel like I'm at such a point of misery that having an end date to really focus on can help me get through this. And who knows, little little man could decide to join us earlier on his own! Wouldn't that be nice....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Brandt, Children's Hospital, and Bronchiolitis

No, nothing to do with our little guy that is awaiting his debut in this world! This week were were focused on our precious 19-month-old Brandt who had to spend 2 nights at Children's Hospital for Bronchialitis.

We started on Wednesday when he had been up all night the night before with horrible coughing, so I called the pediatrician the next morning to make an appointment. I honestly thought we were just going in to see if there was something he could take to help him sleep. When we got there at 3pm, they were way more concerned with his "labored" breathing than his cough, as he was making a grunting noise with every breath. I had heard it that day but really thought it was because he wasn't feeling well and he was making a groaning sound to express that. They watched his tummy and his ribs, and said that he was working too hard to breathe and they didn't like that. His oxygen levels in his blood were good though, so it wasn't an immediate scare, but they didn't understand why he was working so hard. One lung was bringing in more air than the other, but overall they sounded clear. They sent us next door to get a chest x-ray, and verified it wasn't pneumonia. We did 2 rounds on a nebulizer, and then he took a steroid. Nothing was helping - he was still laboring to breathe. After about 3 hours at the pediatrician, they finally decided they wanted him to go to the ER so that he could be watched, as they said the problem is they can only keep up that kind of labored breathing for so long before their body doesn't have the energy to do it anymore. When I asked what happens at that point, they said he would turn grey and his oxygen levels would drop. That scared me plenty! Off we went to Children's....our 3rd time to go in 3 months. Keep in mind I had never been there before 3 months ago.....just had a rough go recently with the kiddos.

Children's also didn't like his labored breathing, but said the same things as the pediatrician in that everything else looked good (oxygen levels in blood, clear sounding lungs), so they were perplexed. They started to scare us a bit more as they said that sometimes other things, non-respiratory, can cause this kind of breathing, such as Diabetes. What???? So they did blood and urine tests on him (which was awful), and it came back that his glucose levels in his urine were about 210 when they like to see it around 100. They said the steroid that he took at the pediatrician could have caused that, but they wanted to do further verification. They sent the lab results off to endocrinology, and took more blood to do an even deeper test that would tell us how long the glucose had been high. They still thought that it wasn't Diabetes, but wanted to rule it out.

By this time it was getting late, and the doctor said that he was just not comfortable with letting us go home, as he's seen cases before where breathing like this can take a turn for the worse or turn into something else. He gave an example of one kid that it turned out to be appendicitis and his labored breathing was caused by his pain. So Jason stayed with Brandt in the ER and I took Kenzie home, who had happily been watching free Disney movies in the room. We got home and in bed about midnight.

I called Jason first thing in the AM to see how it was going, fully expecting him to say they were about to get discharged. Not so lucky. Brandt's oxygen levels had dropped down to 85% during the night (they had been at around 94%), so they admitted him and put him on oxygen. They were now in a room upstairs at the hospital and they wanted to watch him that day as well. They still didn't know what it was, and he was still breathing harder than he should. As soon as our nanny arrived, I raced over and took care of Brandt throughout the day. The NP that was looking after him came in to talk to me late morning and said that they think it is Bronchiolitis, which is the child's form of Bronchitis. The difference is that Bronchitis affects the large airways in your lungs, and the latter affects the smaller "branches" of your airways. It is a common result from certain viruses such as RSV, Parainfluenza (not the regular flu) and others. Brandt had been sick with some sort of cold/virus the week before, so that is probably where it came from. So his lungs were inflamed and having trouble breathing. The reason they came to that was that asthma or croup would have been cleared up by the nebulizer or the steroid, and the chest x-ray ruled out pneumonia, so because none of the treatments had worked, they suspected that was it. I read up on Bronchiolitis and it is common in under 2-year-olds but can be very severe and often times causes hospitalization.

The NP wanted to keep him throughout the day and wean him off of the oxygen to see how he did. By early afternoon, they took him off of it all together, and he seemed to be doing fine. That was great news! That evening we tried to convince them to let us go home, as Brandt had only gotten 2 hours of sleep the night before there, and a 45-minute nap that day, so we thought he'd sleep a lot better at home. The nurse tried to convince the medical team attending to him, but they wanted to watch him one more night, as it is typically at night while they are sleeping that oxygen levels drop. So I left my poor baby and husband one more night to go home, as there was only one bed in the room and sweet Jason insisted his 37-week-pregnant wife sleep at home. Brandt slept better that night, although I wouldn't call it "well", and I arrived early in the morning to let Jason go to an all-day partner retreat he had for work. He was exhausted after 2 nights of little sleep! Finally around 9am they said we'd be getting discharged soon, and we took off around 9:30am. Brandt held my hand and walked the entire way out of the hospital, which was a perfect pace for me as I don't walk quickly these days. :-)

I'm happy they took his condition seriously and were so concerned about him, but it sure was a stressful time, especially when they were still saying they didn't know what it was and they wanted to keep him. No parent likes to hear that. I'm relieved it was something that he could bounce back from relatively easily and not something more serious. He's back at home now and acting like his normal crazy self. I'm doing some bouncing back myself, as I think I was running on adrenaline for those 2 days just taking care of my baby. Now that I'm home, my body, that has just been exhausted normally lately, is saying "ok, time to take it easy again." I'm just so tired. 19 days to go until our little little guy arrives, so we're getting close!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Where does the time go?

I am just terrible about posting on this thing! I am not even sure what is motivating me tonight, but for some reason, the time seems right. We just got home from a retirement party for one of Jason's co-workers and I'm exhausted, but here goes.....

7 weeks to go! This little guy reminds me every day how anxious he is to get out and move around. He is quite the mover and shaker inside me. Somehow I have a feeling he is going to live up to his name we have decided to give him, which sounds athletic to me.....Colton Swift Wagner. Jason and I just liked Colton, and Swift for my brother, dad, and grandfather who all had that as a middle name. Jason and I finally decided last week that Colton was the name that would fit our soon-to-be-son, and we are just thrilled and relieved to have figured that out. Now if we could just hurry up these last 7 weeks, I'd be ecstatic!

Well, I hope the 7 weeks don't hurry up too much - my doctor told me I'm having too many Braxton-Hicks contractions and that she might put me on bedrest if they keep up. I know it's because I push myself all the time, and of course I'm chasing around 2 kids I already have! I find that I don't have BH contractions if I just relax and lay down, but how often do I have time to do that? I'm trying to pay attention to it though because I really don't want to (and really can't) go on bedrest. How the heck would I do that?

Mackenzie and Brandt are great! Kenzie just started 2nd grade and has Mrs. Williams this year, who informed us she also runs a middle eastern restaurant outside of teaching. Interesting combo.... Brandt is 18 months and running around like a crazy boy - you just can't slow him down. He's finally starting to say a few words and really mimic a lot of what we say - I can see his vocabulary is going to pick up here dramatically in the near future. We're about to celebrate Kenzie's 8th birthday in 2 weeks (can you believe it??), and she's having a slumber party. What fun! (Well, hopefully I'm saying that as I'm taking care of 6 8-year-olds all squealing and playing at all hours of the night while I'm 8 months pregnant!) I just love my kids so much and they are so much fun at their different ages....I'm just so anxious to see what our new little guy adds to the mix in a few weeks.

Jason and I just took a trip to Santa Barbara a couple weeks ago sans nice to get away. We rented a convertible and drove along the coast, went whale watching (only saw 1 from far away), explored the cute town, drove through the wine country nearby, and ate some good seafood. It was a great relaxing weekend, and a perfect retreat before I can't really travel anymore. No more plans for us until after the holidays, and then we talked about maybe going up to the mountains for our 3 year anniversary in January. We'll play it by ear...make sure our new little man is ready for us to take a weekend away.

Other than that....not a whole lot going on at this point. We have our house for sale in Denver to try to move down to Littleton. A little more space and a little more kid-friendly is our goal. We bought a minivan to accommodate 3 kids, and we're also in the process of hiring a new nanny. Our current nanny, Mary, who has been with us for a year and a half, is moving back to Illinois to be close to her family. So there are a few things changing around here, but we're rolling with the punches and just seeing what happens.

I can't commit I'll be posting again anytime soon! With a little one on the way, somehow I find it less likely I'll be posting more, but who knows. Maybe maternity leave will be inspirational for me to start blogging more. We'll see..... ;-)

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fool's!

Mackenzie was hysterical yesterday - she totally loves April Fool's Day. She called me to tell me that she got in trouble for being really mean to a playmate, and I was believing her....and then of course she yelled, "April Fool's!!" Then she called Jason at work and said, "Where are you? You're supposed to be picking me up from soccer right now - it's over and I'm waiting for you." Jason freaked and picked up his stuff to bolt out the door, and she had him fooled as well. I got her too though....I said, "Hey, you need to start packing tonight." She said, "For what?" I said, "Disney World!" She got super-excited and asked, "When are we leaving??" I said, "In 2 need to start getting your bag packed." She started jumping up and down and I said, "April Fool's!!" Oh I'm cruel. We really do leave in 37 days, so it's not like it was a trick where we really aren't going at all. That would have been awful! She's such a fun little girl....she's such a joy to have around.

So Brandt had his 1st birthday 2 weeks ago....I can't believe it's flown by so quickly. We had a monkey-themed birthday party for him, and he made a royal mess with his birthday cake. We had some friends over with babies, so they all played together, and it was so much fun. The best part of the day for me was that he took his first steps (to Aunt Erin), he started making kissing noises, and he also started really dancing (arms and shoulders going to town)....all on his 1st birthday!! It really was a great day - I just love my little boy so much. It's just amazing how fast that first year goes by.

So I guess we have another future 1st birthday party to look forward to in that I'm expecting our 3rd child! I know I've told everyone so this isn't a surprise, but this is the first time I'm blogging it. We found out on March 11th when I was 4 weeks pregnant. I'm now 7 weeks, and due November 18th, which is exactly a week before Thanksgiving this year. I'm starting to feel the effects of morning sickness a bit, but thankfully it does not seem as bad as the last time. I'm very tired, but that's to be expected. I'm just hoping that I start feeling better before Disney World, which will be my 12th/13th week, which is usually when I turn the corner on pregnant ickiness. I'm guessing I'll just barely be showing at that point. Last time I was 14 weeks there, and I actually had people that worked there notice I was pregnant, so I clearly was showing some. 12/13 weeks might be pushing it, but I'm sure I'll be out of my cute clothes by then. Not looking forward to another round of maternity clothes again, but at least this time it will be the nice Colorado summer to look forward to. I love the summers here! I think we'll find out in July if it is a boy or a girl. Yay!

Mackenzie had her talent show just last week, and oh my gosh was she awesome! She got up there and belted out Taylor Swift's "You Belong to Me" and I was just so proud of her. I'm just amazed at her confidence and style when she gets up on stage....a quality I have never possessed. We're looking into maybe an acting/drama camp this summer, as it seems to be something she really enjoys and might want to pursue. She's also signed up to play on a softball team this summer - her first time playing softball and I have to admit I'm excited. That was my sport and I just love that she wants to play it too.

Easter is this weekend and I found matching outfits for Brandt and Mackenzie. Yay! We're doing Easter Brunch at the Aquarium after church. I know it sounds a bit cheezy, but they have an Easter Egg Hunt and a complete buffet, plus you get to go through the whole aquarium, so I think it will be a fun family day. I only have Kenzie every other Easter, so I want to make it special when we have her. Plus it's a special day in itself to celebrate!

Signing off....think I might take a nap.....feeling exhausted. I can't wait to get past 1st trimester!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Day of Love!! We are so blessed with our family - we are so happy to celebrate all of our blessings today. J and I are going to a nice restaurant tonight, and since I know now that I'm not preggo this week, at least I'll be able to enjoy a little wine at our fancy dinner. Praying for next month!

B is now running around his little activity station - it's a very cool one because he can run around the outside of it versus putting him in the center and he can just turn around in one place. He's now going at top speed in circles, and he must love it because it gives him a feeling of walking/running. The best baby toy ever!! Check it out:

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


That is officially B's first word. He can't stop - he is waving and saying "Hi!" to everyone now, and I have to say it is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I just love how he's growing up and learning more and more each day. His top 2 teeth have broken through, so now he has such an adorable smile with his 2 bottom teeth well in and his top 2 showing through. His hair is getting long and is curly when he gets out of the bath, and I'm getting more and more comments that he looks like me with his blonde hair and blue eyes.

J's stepmom "Nennie" is with us this week and the kids are having a blast with her. We went to the museum last weekend and to a Super Bowl party, and this week we're enjoying her home cooking for us. She's going to stay with the little guy while we go out on Valentine's day to celebrate a date together. Hopefully we'll have some good news to celebrate by then! (hint, hint)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Hi there! Me again....I know, it has been a while....

Let's see....updates - where to begin?

Well, little man has turned into a new little baby! He started crawling at 9 months old, but even then it was really just a bit of an army crawl, not a full-on "on all fours" crawll. Still, it allowed him to get around and to go straight to those electrical outlets! J and I went on vacation, and we came back to little man not only full-on crawling, but also pulling himself up on *everything*. Wow, it's like he discovered it and then he couldn't have enough of it! He used to be such a happy baby just content with sitting in your lap, and now he won't have anything to do with that. He wants to be up and about and into everything. It cracks me up how quickly they can change. He's 10 months old now, still eating a lot of jars of baby food and some finger foods, and he has 2 bottom teeth almost fully in and his top 2 have just broken through. He has started waving to you, although he doesn't completely associate it with "hello" or "goodbye", but he likes moving his hands in that way. It's funny because he does it like the queen of England does - it makes us all laugh. He also LOVES the bathtub. He splashes so much he soaks the floor. Later this week he is having a procedure to unblock his tear duct in his left eye that has been blocked since he was born. Thank goodness! We are so excited to finally have a baby without a crusty eye all the time. It sounds like a simple and relatively painless procedure, so we are thrilled it can be done now and prevent him from having to go under anesthesia later in childhood. Whew!

M is still as vibrant and entertaining as ever! She is doing much better in school - her reading has just taken off and she has had an amazing change in attitude about it. Thank goodness as it was obvious for quite some time that she wasn't confident and was getting frustrated. The one-on-one tutoring we put her in seems to have worked wonders, and she's really enjoying it. She is in gymnastics and dance (jazz) right now, and especially loves gymnastics. She has advanced to the intermediate level, and seems to be doing really well. You should check out her little 6-pack! Oh to have the body of a 7-year-old. Dance is good, but she's struggling a little with jazz as she has never taken it before. She's asking to switch to hip hop, so we'll see what we decide to do. She LOVES to dance in general and has incredible moves, but she hasn't found that exact class that she completely loves. She watches So You You Can D.ance with us and requested to take "cha cha" which made us all laugh. She is such a funny girl. So confident and talkative....even our nanny says that there isn't a day that she's with her that she doesn't say something completely funny and unexpected. She's very mature for her age....I'm scared for when she's a teenager. I think we're going to have a handful.

J and I just got back from a vacation to the Mal.dives. Amazing! We were gone for 10 days and B and M stayed with a combination of our nanny, my sister, and my mom. I think it was good for them to stay with other people and get used to other folks besides their parents taking care of them. They seemed to do really well, except little man got a little sick with a cold while we were gone, but thank goodness that was it. It was so wonderful for J and I to be able to have some one-on-one time and celebrate our 2 year anniversary, which is actually today. We're going out to dinner tonight tonight - I can't believe it has been 2 years already. It has just flown by.

This past weekend I worked on plans for our Disn.ey W.orld trip in May. We are taking the kids and our nanny and my sister. What fun! I just switched our hotel to the Boar.dwalk. We were going to stay in the cool V.illas that just opened, but I read they are really far from everything and take a ton of extra time to get to the parks. I think having a 1-year-old as well as the possibility that I might be preggo, we wanted to be very accessible to things so we could slip home for a nap if necessary. I've never stayed at the Board.walk, so that's something new and fun, with EP.COT right next door and tons of restaurants and entertainment right at hand. I always love looking forward to our next trip! :-)

I'm going to try to be better about posting on here from now on. Now that the holidays are over and our trip has passed, I feel much more relaxed and ready to tackle some projects around the house that I've been putting off, including pictures, photo books, and keeping up with my blog! Planning to post Mal.dives photos on our site very soon.